
Install cuda on ubuntu 16.04
Install cuda on ubuntu 16.04

install cuda on ubuntu 16.04

type y to install the CUDA 7. type n to decline the graphics driver (the one you've installed is more recent) cuDNN installed Tutorial 33- Installing Cuda Toolkit And cuDNN For Deep. Run the following commands: cd cuda sudo cp -P lib64. ignore the warning that you are attempting to install on an unsupported configuration by typing y We need the contents of the include & lib64 folders from cuDNN to be inside the include and lib64 folders of the CUDA directory (where we installed CUDA shown in step 1 above). Version: 15.04 (note that there is no 16.04 version available for CUDA 7.5 however, this version works fine on our system)Īfter downloading, navigate to the directory containing the downloaded file and run Sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev build-essential libx11-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-devĭownload CUDA 7.5 from For ubuntu 16.04 64bit choose: Some of these libraries are needed to compile the CUDA samples to test successful CUDA installation (I'm not entirely sure which are necessary, can always uninstall after testing) Mainly, by running the following commands: sudo dpkg -i sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cuda. Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test Choose the architecture that suits your operating System, in my case I use x8664, Ubuntu, 16.04 (they don’t have a version yet for 18.04, but this works fine with 18.04) and. Then go to download page of CUDA Toolkit 9.0 here In my case I use the. Install a version of gcc that is supported by CUDA 7.5 sudo apt install nvidia-390 Installing CUDA-9.0.

Install cuda on ubuntu 16.04